Our Story

Like most other seniors in high school, our final year was not how we expected it to end. Instead of spending our senior spring on campus, competing in our final track meet and going downtown for Stillwells one last time, we were at home, starting online classes. We quickly realized how different online classes were, compared to in-person classes. Not only was it lackluster, but we also simply weren’t learning as much because of the absence of discussion and attention.

With senior year over, and with another journey of freshman fall just around the corner, we didn’t know what to expect. This clearly wasn’t an experience unique to Exeter or even seniors, it was happening in all schools. What we realized was unique however, was our experience at Exeter with discussion-based learning. Instead of memorizing formulas and equations from textbooks, we were given problems and told to discuss and solve them as a class. Having spent the last couple of years solely learning this way, we felt that we could pass on some of our knowledge through tutoring. 

Throughout the summer, we both began tutoring in our respective parts of the world, Sam in New Jersey, and Michael in Tokyo. Through our success in connecting with our students and making meaningful impact, we began to think of ways we could do more. During our earlier years at Exeter, we were quickly normalized to having a ranked competition math student just down the hall, or a published writer as a roommate. We took for granted how special of a place Exeter was, and we wanted to share this with the rest of the world. This is why we created Frutor, a tutoring platform where our tutors can not only share their knowledge, but also their experience. Through Frutor, your students will be carefully paired up with specialized tutors in their respective fields; with tutors winning national prizes and earning international recognition. At Frutor, we’re creating a network of tutors and students, with knowledge and learning at its core. 

Sam + Michael


“The only source of knowledge is experience.” 

— Albert Einstein


How We’re Different

  • All of our tutors are studying in/have graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, a top-ranked high school in United States.

  • Our tutors have matriculated into their top choice colleges, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn, Columbia, Brown, UChicago, Williams, UNC, etc.

  • Free consultation to match your needs with a specialized tutor from our network.

  • Ensured transparency between tutor and parent after every session.